Monday, November 19, 2012

Cree tribe notes

Foods: people, caribou, elk, moose, beaver, rabbits, buffalo, seals, fish, nuts, fruit, corn

Religions: Cree's believed in a person called Kitche Manitou, Cree's also danced the "sun dance" where they go without food and water for four days and dance the entire time

Climate : long cold winters, short hot summers

Entertainment: storytelling, bead work, woodcarving, quilling crafts, music, toys, sports, hunting

Culture: Cree men hunted, Cree women took care of the children and home, Cree's lived in wigwams and and tipis, Cree's wore moccasins and cloaks

Interesting Facts: Cree's used dogs as pack animals, they used different patterns of paint on their face for certain occasions, Cree's called themselves Iyiniwok which means "the people"



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